MTCN is The Only Poem I Write

MTCN is the only love poem that I write was sparked by recurring visits in Winnipeg to money transfer agents, where the diaspora meets to send money back home. On the counters of these service locations, economic oppression and agency collide. The audio piece and textile sculpture seek to explore this dynamic and riff off the elements of a monetary transaction, collaging them and reinterpreting them in search of softness.
The audio is a recording of the artist reciting monetary transfer control numbers (MTCN) like an incantation. This conjuration is interrupted by text written by the artist unspooling the stories contained in each transaction. The fabric piece that accompanies the sound seeks to reflect the feelings found in the stories.
Exhibited as part of the Mujer Artista group exhibition Puesto / Place at aceartinc
January 10 - 25, 2020
Exhibition photos by Leif Norman
Photography assistance by MacKenzie Smith
Sound mastering by Joel Mierau